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Device Replacement Cables

These Cables are specifically Designed for the Device. Sometimes called proprietary Cables.
Usually a Device manufacture will make a specific Cable to work with their device so that if you lose the cable you will need to go back to the Manufacture and purchase the cable at a high Price. In an effort to stop this we have made many copies of the original cable or purchased in bulk so we can command a discount price on the device cable. We started in the Early 90's with many models and Testing Hundreds of Digital Cameras. Which where expensive at the time. and the replacement cables where very expensive. The over 4000 Devices that have been tested by our staff is the largest Set of device cables Listed on the net. Anyways you have found the oldest company for Device cables on the Net including those for Cameras and MP3 PLayers (IPODS) and now Tablets and Phones.
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